Coronavirus: social, economic and other changes as a result of the pandemic

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  • teamsaint
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 25302

    Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
    Really???? I would have thought the libertarian right to be very strong indeed in this country, and that it dates back in particular to the start of Thatcherism and the opportunistic populist political ideology associated with it, connected with "dictatorial trade union bosses", inefficient bureaucratic non-accountability in the public sector, the right to buy my reduced-price council house/flat regardless of the increased homelessness thereby caused, which is the fault of the homeless, the dislike of foreigners in general (not necessarily based on race, just that we British are always better), dislike of "political correctness", especially as portrayed in the mainstream media - I claim the right to speak my mind etc, rejection of any human contribution to climate change, etc etc., belief in the idea that anyone can be capable of reaching "the top", and that a combination of the foregoing is all that stands in the way. There must be many more symptoms one could list.
    Depends where you draw lines, and how you define things I guess.

    I was really alluding to what I would see as the wilder extremes of the libertarian right, IE that on the fringes of and outside of the party political system.

    And as I say, the actions of this ( and many other govts in Europe) over the last don't look terribly libertarian to me.

    And of course populism ( not the same thing of course, but since you mention it) is alive and well on the left as well as the right.

    BUT....maybe you are right on this.
    Last edited by teamsaint; 01-10-21, 16:23.
    I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

    I am not a number, I am a free man.


    • Serial_Apologist
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 38194

      Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
      Depends where you draw lines, and how you define things I guess.

      I was really alluding to what I would see as the wilder extremes of the libertarian right, IE that on the fringes of and outside of the party political system.

      And as I say, the actions of this ( and many other govts in Europe) over the last don't look terribly libertarian to me.

      And of course populism ( not the same thing of course, but since you mention it) is alive and well on the left as well as the right.

      BUT....maybe you are right on this.
      I have to admit that your words of warning with regards to the government taking a more authoritarian route, post-lockdown, appear to be bearing fruit.

      Incidentally, has anyone else on here, french frank apart, yet been contacted for a booster jab by their local surgery? My phone was ringing on Saturday morning as I woke up, and unfortunately I was too slow to get to it before the caller rang off. I diallled 1471 for the caller's number, which I was given, but all I got from dialling up was a single tone, and I am left worrying that that might have been the call, and that I may have been crossed off as uncontactable; and google checking for the number yeilds no information. Everything in life just seems so one-way these days!


      • teamsaint
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 25302

        Not a great day for democracy or indeed public health or business in Wales , sad to say.

        I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

        I am not a number, I am a free man.


        • oddoneout
          Full Member
          • Nov 2015
          • 9530

          Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
          I have to admit that your words of warning with regards to the government taking a more authoritarian route, post-lockdown, appear to be bearing fruit.

          Incidentally, has anyone else on here, french frank apart, yet been contacted for a booster jab by their local surgery? My phone was ringing on Saturday morning as I woke up, and unfortunately I was too slow to get to it before the caller rang off. I diallled 1471 for the caller's number, which I was given, but all I got from dialling up was a single tone, and I am left worrying that that might have been the call, and that I may have been crossed off as uncontactable; and google checking for the number yeilds no information. Everything in life just seems so one-way these days!
          If it's anything like the initial vaccine programme they will try more than once and use whatever contact details they have, so if they have a mobile no. for you they will send a text message, and letters are also sent.
          NHS information about the COVID-19 vaccine, including what the vaccine helps protect against, who should have it and when, how to get it and side effects.

          Invitations to book a COVID booster jab will be sent to one and a half million people this week as the NHS vaccination programme enters a new phase ahead of winter. Texts allowing people to arrange a top-up through the National Booking Service will start going out from tomorrow (Monday), with letters also being sent […]

          I've got a while to wait as my 2nd dose was end of June.


          • Dave2002
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 18108

            Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
            Not a great day for democracy or indeed public health or business in Wales , sad to say.

            So what's so special about democracy? **

            It was democratic in so far as it looks as though all the rules and procedures were followed. It's too early to tell whether the measures adopted because of this process will lead to good or worse outcomes.Sometimes randomness gets into the process.

            ** my point here is that democracy is hardly ever perfect - and is often manipulated by those who set the rules. In this case it looks as though the outcome was largely fortuitous with no deliberate attempt to thwart a possible result, but if there had been very strong opposition to it it would have failed.


            • teamsaint
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 25302

              Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
              So what's so special about democracy? **

              It was democratic in so far as it looks as though all the rules and procedures were followed. It's too early to tell whether the measures adopted because of this process will lead to good or worse outcomes.Sometimes randomness gets into the process.

              ** my point here is that democracy is hardly ever perfect - and is often manipulated by those who set the rules. In this case it looks as though the outcome was largely fortuitous with no deliberate attempt to thwart a possible result, but if there had been very strong opposition to it it would have failed.
              Apparently a vote was lost because a zoom link failed.
              There is no upside to that , really, democratically or otherwise.
              And the outcome is really bad news in any case , regardless of whether Labour members voted for it, as there is no demonstrable public health benefit to the passports, and of course the long term dangers are very clear.
              Last edited by teamsaint; 06-10-21, 09:57.
              I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

              I am not a number, I am a free man.


              • Serial_Apologist
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 38194

                Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
                If it's anything like the initial vaccine programme they will try more than once and use whatever contact details they have, so if they have a mobile no. for you they will send a text message, and letters are also sent.
                NHS information about the COVID-19 vaccine, including what the vaccine helps protect against, who should have it and when, how to get it and side effects.

                Invitations to book a COVID booster jab will be sent to one and a half million people this week as the NHS vaccination programme enters a new phase ahead of winter. Texts allowing people to arrange a top-up through the National Booking Service will start going out from tomorrow (Monday), with letters also being sent […]

                I've got a while to wait as my 2nd dose was end of June.
                Thanks for the reassurances, odders, and apologies for the delay in replying - let's hope for the best!


                • HighlandDougie
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 3153

                  If NHS Scotland can manage it (they are not famed for their efficiency in such matters), I'm sure that the NHS in London/South East will ensure that it will happen as Oddoneout suggests above. I was 'phoned up a couple of weeks ago (while driving across the Pont de Normandie) to ensure that I had had received the invitation letter for the receipt of a third dose on Monday 27 September. The letter was waiting when I got to my Scottish house a couple of days later so I was among the first to receive jab number three (actually jab number five but that's another story) as such inoculations had only started that day for other than NHS staff. As the six months since AZ number two will only be up in mid-October, it was a bit premature but I wasn't going to refuse it on those grounds. I was offered the flu jab at the same time (Pfizer in one arm and flu in the other). Not a brilliant idea in retrospect as I had a day of ague-like symptoms on the Tuesday and a sore arm - from the flu jab - for a few days thereafter.


                  • Petrushka
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 12437

                    Originally posted by HighlandDougie View Post
                    If NHS Scotland can manage it (they are not famed for their efficiency in such matters), I'm sure that the NHS in London/South East will ensure that it will happen as Oddoneout suggests above. I was 'phoned up a couple of weeks ago (while driving across the Pont de Normandie) to ensure that I had had received the invitation letter for the receipt of a third dose on Monday 27 September. The letter was waiting when I got to my Scottish house a couple of days later so I was among the first to receive jab number three (actually jab number five but that's another story) as such inoculations had only started that day for other than NHS staff. As the six months since AZ number two will only be up in mid-October, it was a bit premature but I wasn't going to refuse it on those grounds. I was offered the flu jab at the same time (Pfizer in one arm and flu in the other). Not a brilliant idea in retrospect as I had a day of ague-like symptoms on the Tuesday and a sore arm - from the flu jab - for a few days thereafter.
                    I went on a D-Day beaches trip in 2004 and couldn't believe this spectacular bridge as the coach went over it. Back on topic, I had my second AZ jab in May so got another month before my booster is due.
                    "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


                    • Serial_Apologist
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 38194

                      Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                      Thanks for the reassurances, odders, and apologies for the delay in replying - let's hope for the best!
                      Have just received an email from the NHS enabling me to book my booster online. If I've heard nothing from the local surgery by tomorrow I'll do that, even if it means having to travel.


                      • oddoneout
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2015
                        • 9530

                        Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                        Have just received an email from the NHS enabling me to book my booster online. If I've heard nothing from the local surgery by tomorrow I'll do that, even if it means having to travel.
                        The online booking option will be for the regional hubs, which if you are lucky will be somewhere reasonably close. Now that I have my bus pass, and the city is "open for business", it won't be such a problem (assuming we don't go backwards before then...) if that is what is offered when my turn comes, otherwise I'll wait until the GP surgery can do it and I can walk there.


                        • french frank
                          • Feb 2007
                          • 30817

                          Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
                          The online booking option will be for the regional hubs, which if you are lucky will be somewhere reasonably close. Now that I have my bus pass, and the city is "open for business", it won't be such a problem (assuming we don't go backwards before then...) if that is what is offered when my turn comes, otherwise I'll wait until the GP surgery can do it and I can walk there.
                          I had one of those emails shortly after my surgery had texted to ask if I wanted to have the booster vaccine (and if so they would contact me with an appointment). I was slightly confused over the email which said I had to book, but I think the website said something about 'possibly' being able to get it through one's own surgery, so I ignored the email. Then the surgery texted my local appointment. I think it must be our North Bristol NHS organising a local 'hub' - a huge marquee at Gloucestershire Cricket Ground - which they did for the 'flu jabs last year.
                          It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                          • Serial_Apologist
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 38194

                            Yes, I've just managed to book online, having been offered about a dozen location options and gone for the nearest one, a pharmacy just over a mile away. After a report on Today mentioning serious delays in some parts of the country, I was relieved to find myself able to book as early as for tomorrow morning.


                            • Bryn
                              • Mar 2007
                              • 24688

                              I have heard nothing, yet, but my 6 months is not up until the 25th inst. I hope it's not at the Waitrose sports hall again. The car is off the road at the moment and I am in no hurry to get it back up and running. The local Tesco pharmacy would suit me best. That or the adjacent branch of my local GP practice.


                              • french frank
                                • Feb 2007
                                • 30817

                                Originally posted by Bryn View Post
                                I have heard nothing, yet, but my 6 months is not up until the 25th inst.
                                My booster appointment (this Saturday) is for 7 months after the 2nd jab.
                                It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.

