Bird extinction threat - vultures
Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
African vultures are threatened by human developments. These not very attractive birds do provide a very useful cleaning up service, but their numbers are dropping.
In exclusive Malabar Hill, the city’s dwindling Parsi community continues with the Zoroastrian tradition of disposing of dead bodies by exposing them to scavenger birds. How much longer can this 3,000-year-old tradition survive?
Drugs, such as wormers, used to treat livestock in this country are threatening the likes of dungbeetles, which also has knock-on effects. Unintended consequences all - but serious.
Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post,,,,OT but house spiders down too as no house flies/moths...... quite the Spider-and-Moth reserve, my house..... if it gets too much I transfer some to an outhouse....(freezer, boiler etc...). The mini beasts don't mind the shabby decor....
Poor Vultures, as ever you just have to grasp their position in the food chain... but we humans can't control our numbers very well, so...all a bit grim for the rest...
Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View PostDo not fear... I'm looking after them all here...... quite the Spider-and-Moth reserve, my house..... if it gets too much I transfer them to an outhouse....(freezer, boiler etc...). The mini beasts don't mind the shabby decor....
Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View PostDon't worry...... I'm looking after them all here...... quite the Spider-and-Moth reserve, my house..... if it gets too much I transfer some to an outhouse....(freezer, boiler etc...). The mini beasts don't mind the shabby decor....
Poor Vultures, as ever you just have to grasp their position in the food chain... but we humans can't control our numbers very well, so...all a bit grim for the rest...bong ching
Originally posted by Bryn View PostHouse spiders have a home here, too. I always leave a towel draped down inside the empty bath to aid their escape should they fall in.