... I think those of us who are disturbed about this are not necessarily disturbed about the fact of this statue being 'removed' but rather by the means by which it was removed. There is a world of difference between a local democratic decision to move this statue elsewhere / replace with an informative plaque &c, and the violence of a mob taking it upon themselves to decide what is right.
Last time I was in Calcutta (it was Calcutta then, it is Kolkata now - or perhaps more correctly কলকাতা. *... ) - there was a rather touching forlorn garden into which all the statues of the great and good of the British Raj - from Victoria down to viceroys, governors-general, and sundry collectors and box-wallahs - had been consigned. They were available for those interested in the historical record, but not flaunted in the face of the descendants of those they ruled. It seems to me something similar could be used for these current problematic cases.
Originally posted by MrGongGong
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Last time I was in Calcutta (it was Calcutta then, it is Kolkata now - or perhaps more correctly কলকাতা. *... ) - there was a rather touching forlorn garden into which all the statues of the great and good of the British Raj - from Victoria down to viceroys, governors-general, and sundry collectors and box-wallahs - had been consigned. They were available for those interested in the historical record, but not flaunted in the face of the descendants of those they ruled. It seems to me something similar could be used for these current problematic cases.