Whilst the content of Tim Berners-Lee’s Dimbleby Lecture was of great interest, it’s presentation was abysmal.
Berners-Lee gave a succinct history of the WWW, a précis of its current state, why and how its damaged, why it needs a ‘mid-course correction’, and how to go about achieving that. It was packed with information and insights, and one hopes it will stimulate change for good. He is a remarkable man, and history may well come to judge him as being more significant than Darwin.
But he was sadly let down in this lecture by its presentation. Changing camera shots every 20 seconds whilst ‘all’ the lecturer is doing is talking at a lectern is distracting. Compounding this with cuts to audience members, seemingly populated by chin stroking celebs, served only to dilute and trivialise the message. I shut the picture off and just listened.
Berners-Lee gave a succinct history of the WWW, a précis of its current state, why and how its damaged, why it needs a ‘mid-course correction’, and how to go about achieving that. It was packed with information and insights, and one hopes it will stimulate change for good. He is a remarkable man, and history may well come to judge him as being more significant than Darwin.
But he was sadly let down in this lecture by its presentation. Changing camera shots every 20 seconds whilst ‘all’ the lecturer is doing is talking at a lectern is distracting. Compounding this with cuts to audience members, seemingly populated by chin stroking celebs, served only to dilute and trivialise the message. I shut the picture off and just listened.