It was dreadful. Is this _really_ the best the country has to offer? The five constantly talking over each other and the presenter, and not answering the question.
If I hear once again Hunt telling us he's an entrepreneur, Gove telling us he has a detailed plan (without managing to ever reveal the details) and Javid letting us know his dad was a bus driver, I'll scream. Johnson looked shifty and Stewart looked like a man who realised it was a farce.
Maitlis was overwhelmed, perhaps Andrew Neil would have done better.
If I hear once again Hunt telling us he's an entrepreneur, Gove telling us he has a detailed plan (without managing to ever reveal the details) and Javid letting us know his dad was a bus driver, I'll scream. Johnson looked shifty and Stewart looked like a man who realised it was a farce.
Maitlis was overwhelmed, perhaps Andrew Neil would have done better.