Originally posted by Beef Oven!
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And another thought, because things turn up. I said I thought xenophobia was associated with low education. I was impressed by the places you said you’d lived (you didn’t include Turkey either) while claiming a lower education level than me. But living abroad, widening horizons and knowledge of elsewhere (wider than mine, incidentally), is precisely the ‘education’ that is relevant in the discussion of ‘oikophobia’. More important than formal education and qualifications.
And why did this occur to me. This in this morning's news. What is shocking is that these were college students, yet there is a depth of ignorance not penetrated by formal education. You can be called Treretola or Murphy and be as American as that ol’ apple pie. Yet they see a US Vet who’s an American Indian, they ridicule him and most incredible of all, they chant, “Build the Wall”. The ‘educational level’ of these college hooligans is nil. This is what I call xenophobia. They only know their own oikos.