Originally posted by underthecountertenor
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CE Edington Festival Aug 21st 2013
The usual dry-as-dust acoustic at Edington gives no halo or texture to the voices or the organ, a bit unforgiving, at least via radio, and even the final hymn sounded a bit of a slog. In such an acoustic, repertoire has to be cleverly chosen and it was: canticles relatively small scale, with soloistic music, and a nicely reflective Howells voluntary
The three stand-out pieces for me, were the Neil Cox introit - skilful blend of ancient and modern, lots of atmosphere [not easy in that acoustic], nicely shaped and sung. The lovely Ives chant for the well-disciplined psalms, and of course, the Harris anthem – full of energy and commitment, fronted by a tenor soloist who sounded astonishingly like Nick Hurndall Smith from I Fagiolini, but whoever, it was finely phrased and possibly the best series of moments in the service. This ensemble gave me the most pleasure.
Not happy with the plainchant.
And a purely personal gripe was that long, clumsy opening travelogue, potted ecclesiastical and architectural history, and a shameless promo for the festival. Sorry, it disturbs the mood for a service. I wish people would not do it.
Very nice to hear some plainsong on the radio for a change; and very nicely sung too - well complimented by the singing of the psalms, to a couple of gems by Ives...
I suppose the lack of acoustic isn't helped by having a full church to perform in - something unusual for a choral evensong I might suggest?
Matthew Martin
Basically it was a good effort on the Edington broadcast this year but the daft choirs insisted on singing in the dry acoustic they have in the church there and some of the music was a bit nasty and modern.
Sadly I missed the broadcast this year as I was out of contact with all civilisation for both it and the repeat and the i-player. I'm a big supporter of the EF (having been to several in the past) and I'm sure everyone understands it's a local church with a typical 'village' acoustic.
I have absolutely no idea what happened to the thread! I remember posting on it before the broadcast. Sorry! I've only just returned to hostly duties, but I am quite sure the disappearance must have been as the result of a glitch...and not malice aforethought.